Apr 30, 2021
In this episode of The Scalpel, Dr. Rose takes us back to the beginning of Covid 19, calls out the work of the EcoHealth Alliance, and points out clues to the future plans to control society.
Apr 23, 2021
The Religión of Tolerance’s War on Moral Truth - Legacy In this episode of The Scalpel, Dr. Rose presents evidence of the left's continued efforts to suppress the truth of Covid 19 and other national and world events. ...The test of the morality of a society is what it does for its children... ―...
Apr 21, 2021
In this special episode of The Scalpel, Dr Rose appears as the guest of Ann Vandersteel on SteelTruth - steeltruth.com - during the weekend of April 16 and 17 2021, at HEALTH & FREEDOM Conference 2021 in Tulsa, OK. https://www.thrivetimeshow.com Dr. Rose was one of the invited speakers at the event, which was...
Apr 8, 2021
In this episode of The Scalpel, Dr. Rose presents the next in the Convincing Controversy series. What is the difference between Observation and Perception in the Covid Crisis? How should we perceive what we are being told about the response to the virus and a post-vaccine world? "What history will record as the...
Apr 2, 2021
Convincing Controversy: The Ratchet In this episode of The Scalpel, Dr. Rose continues the Convincing Controversy series and describes "The Ratchet." The one-way movement of the tightening constraint of the rights of US citizens. How do we respond? CONTACT THE SHOW Website: https://scalpeledge.com Email: